The Intersection of Your Consumer & Employer Brand

The Intersection of Your Consumer & Employer Brand

Your corporate image is dictated by more than a logo, a website or even a name. Great brands know, creating a positive company image starts from the inside out. At the core of every business are the individuals that represent and collectively impact the company brand. Seems like a simple concept - the best brands are often comprised of the best teams. Yet, when it comes to marketing efforts, even some of the world’s most renowned companies are missing a hugely influential target market.

A Tale of Two Surveys

A survey by Corebrand revealed the top 10 most respected companies nationwide ranked by respondents’ overall opinion on a brand’s reputation and perception of management. Meanwhile, another survey asked respondents to list who they believe are the top companies to work for. A look at both surveys shows only two out of 10 companies overlap on both surveys.

The takeaway? Consumer brand is only one piece of the marketing puzzle. Employment branding has long been part of the recruitment strategy conversation. Yet, consumer brand and employment brand remain two separate entities, one that is heavily marketed while another is seldom considered part of the strategy.

Empowered Employees

Most marketers are savvy to today’s empowered consumer. Social media platforms make it easy for consumers to get in front of large audiences and shape brand perceptions with a click of a button. But, many take for granted an even greater force of influence within their very own organization - employees. An employee’s subjective viewpoint holds an even greater power to shape brand perceptions for not only consumers but potential talent as well.

The New Marketing Mix

To compete as a great brand, your marketing efforts must consist of creating positive experiences for both consumers and prospective employee’s - audiences that could well be one and the same.

Not sure where to begin merging your marketing efforts? Start by taking a look at your consumer web experience, how does it compare to your candidate experience? Chances are your consumer brand creates a pleasant buyer experience, complete with company mission and mobile optimization. Your career site should offer the same navigational ease and overall experience.

Ask these three questions to get started:

  • Are images or video of current employees and the workplace environment showcased on the career site?
  • Can candidates easily search relevant career opportunities on both mobile and desktop?
  • Do you have reliable candidate management systems in place to ensure proper communication throughout the application process?

To elevate your employer brand, investing in your employee experience, at every stage of the hiring process, must be a top priority for any company looking to become a brand leader in their industry. According to Aberdeen Group, even if candidates aren’t hired, their perspectives on the overall process will have an impact on your brand, your customers, and your success.

By implementing an employer brand that’s as effective as your consumer brand, you can attract, hire and retain a team of influential ambassadors.

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